It is often said that good health is all about balance. This can be taken quite literally as researchers have long known that poor balance is linked to falls with […]
Some neck pain has a simple underlying cause that fully resolves either on its own or with treatment. Other cases can be more complex and perhaps related to an underlying […]
There is an increasing understanding of the link between adequate vitamin D and good health, and bone health in particular. Vitamin D is naturally produced by the body following skin […]
For years clients have heard me talk of the example of Qing Hao (Artimeisia annua; Wormwood), a Chinese herbal medicine which has had its ancient indications adapted to treat Malaria […]
Since the first of July 2012 it has become much easier to find a qualified acupuncturist or Chinese herbalist. These professions are now registered the same as other registered health […]
Testimonials are a popular way of advertising services. Unfortunately testimonials only mention success stories and can offer an unbalanced view. There is no simple way of knowing if testimonials are […]